
the 9th council member

  • 2022. 06. 01 8st nationwide simultaneous local elections
  • 2022. 07. 06 Election of 9nd Tongyeong City Council chairperson and vice chairperson for the first half term (Chairman : Mi Ok Kim, Vice-Chairman : Do Soo Bae)
  • 2024. 06. 27 Election of 9nd Tongyeong City Council chairperson and vice chairperson for the second half term (Chairman : Do Soo Bae, Vice-Chairman : Shin Chul Gi)

the 8th council member

  • 2018. 06. 13 7st nationwide simultaneous local elections
  • 2018. 07. 05 Election of 8nd Tongyeong City Council chairperson and vice chairperson for the first half term (Chairman : Gang Hyewon, Vice-Chairman : Bae Yunju)
  • 2020. 06. 25 Election of 8nd Tongyeong City Council chairperson and vice chairperson for the second half term (Chairman : Kwae Hwan Son, Vice-Chairman : Do Soo Bae)

the 7th council member

  • 2014. 06. 04 6st nationwide simultaneous local elections
  • 2014. 07. 07 Establishment of the 7nd Tongyeong City Council(First half Chairman:Gang Hyewon, Vice-Chairman:Gang Geunsik)
  • 2016. 06. 29 Election of 7nd Tongyeong City Council chairperson and vice chairperson for the second half term (Chairman:Yu Jeongcheol, Vice-Chairman:Mun Seongdeok)

the 6th council member

  • 2010. 06. 02 5st nationwide simultaneous local elections
  • 2010. 07. 01 Establishment of the 6nd Tongyeong City Council(First half Chairman:Cheon Jaesaeng, Vice-Chairman:Gang Hyewon)
  • 2012. 07. 01 Election of 6nd Tongyeong City Council chairperson and vice chairperson for the second half term (Chairman:Gim Manok, Vice-Chairman:Gang Hyewon)

the 5th council member

  • 2006. 05. 31 4st nationwide simultaneous local elections
  • 2006. 07. 03 Establishment of the 5nd Tongyeong City Council(First half Chairman:Gim Yongu, Vice-Chairman:Bang Hyeonggeun)
  • 2008. 06. 26 Election of 5nd Tongyeong City Council chairperson and vice chairperson for the second half term (Chairman:Gu Sangsik, Vice-Chairman:Jo Jongtae)

the 4th council member

  • 2002. 06. 13 3st nationwide simultaneous local elections
  • 2002. 07. 02 Establishment of the 4nd Tongyeong City Council(First half Chairman:Jeong Dongbae, Vice-Chairman:Lee Myung)
  • 2004. 06. 09 Election of 4nd Tongyeong City Council chairperson and vice chairperson for the second half term(Chairman:Jeong Dongbae, Vice-Chairman:Jeong Sungi)

the 3th council member

  • 1998. 06. 04 2st nationwide simultaneous local elections
  • 1998. 07. 01 3st Tongyeong city councilor commenced his term
  • 1998. 07. 07 Establishment of the 3nd Tongyeong City Council(First half Chairman:Jeong Dongbae, Vice-Chairman:Jeong Sungi)
  • 2000. 07. 06 Election of 3nd Tongyeong City Council chairperson and vice chairperson for the second half term (Chairman:Jeong Dongbae, Vice-Chairman:Lee Bokno)

the 2th council member

  • 1995. 06. 27 1st nationwide simultaneous local elections
  • 1995. 07. 01 Establishment of the 2nd Tongyeong City Council(First half chairman:Gim Gwanuk, Vice-Chairman:Jeong Dongbae)
  • 1996. 12. 30 Election of 2nd Tongyeong City Council chairperson and vice chairperson for the second half term (Chairman:Jeong Dongbae, Vice-Chairman:Je Sinho)

the 1th council member

  • 1949. 07. 04 Enactment and announcement of Article No. 32 of the Local Autonomy Act
  • 1990. 12. 15 Revision of the Local Autonomy Act
  • 1991. 03. 26 chungmu City(20 places), Tongyeong County(7 places) Council member election
  • 1991. 04. 15 The 4th Chungmu City Council, Establishment of the 1st Tongyeong County Council
  • 1994. 03. 26 Comprehensive survey on the opinions of city and county residents
  • 1994. 08. 03 functions of rural and urban communities' institutional establishment in Namyangju City, Gyeonggi-do (Act No. 4774)
  • 1994. 08. 03 Constitution of a preparation team for the establishment of Tongyeong City
  • 1995. 01. 01 Establishment of Tongyeong City
  • 1995. 01. 09 Establishment of the 1st Tongyeong City Council