2022. 06. 018st nationwide simultaneous local elections
2022. 07. 06Election of 9nd Tongyeong City Council chairperson and vice chairperson for the first half term (Chairman : Mi Ok Kim, Vice-Chairman : Do Soo Bae)
2024. 06. 27Election of 9nd Tongyeong City Council chairperson and vice chairperson for the second half term (Chairman : Do Soo Bae, Vice-Chairman : Shin Chul Gi)
the 8th council member
2018. 06. 137st nationwide simultaneous local elections
2018. 07. 05Election of 8nd Tongyeong City Council chairperson and vice chairperson for the first half term (Chairman : Gang Hyewon, Vice-Chairman : Bae Yunju)
2020. 06. 25Election of 8nd Tongyeong City Council chairperson and vice chairperson for the second half term (Chairman : Kwae Hwan Son, Vice-Chairman : Do Soo Bae)
the 7th council member
2014. 06. 046st nationwide simultaneous local elections
2014. 07. 07Establishment of the 7nd Tongyeong City Council(First half Chairman:Gang Hyewon, Vice-Chairman:Gang Geunsik)
2016. 06. 29Election of 7nd Tongyeong City Council chairperson and vice chairperson for the second half term (Chairman:Yu Jeongcheol, Vice-Chairman:Mun Seongdeok)
the 6th council member
2010. 06. 025st nationwide simultaneous local elections
2010. 07. 01Establishment of the 6nd Tongyeong City Council(First half Chairman:Cheon Jaesaeng, Vice-Chairman:Gang Hyewon)
2012. 07. 01Election of 6nd Tongyeong City Council chairperson and vice chairperson for the second half term (Chairman:Gim Manok, Vice-Chairman:Gang Hyewon)
the 5th council member
2006. 05. 314st nationwide simultaneous local elections
2006. 07. 03Establishment of the 5nd Tongyeong City Council(First half Chairman:Gim Yongu, Vice-Chairman:Bang Hyeonggeun)
2008. 06. 26Election of 5nd Tongyeong City Council chairperson and vice chairperson for the second half term (Chairman:Gu Sangsik, Vice-Chairman:Jo Jongtae)
the 4th council member
2002. 06. 133st nationwide simultaneous local elections
2002. 07. 02Establishment of the 4nd Tongyeong City Council(First half Chairman:Jeong Dongbae, Vice-Chairman:Lee Myung)
2004. 06. 09Election of 4nd Tongyeong City Council chairperson and vice chairperson for the second half term(Chairman:Jeong Dongbae, Vice-Chairman:Jeong Sungi)
the 3th council member
1998. 06. 042st nationwide simultaneous local elections
1998. 07. 013st Tongyeong city councilor commenced his term
1998. 07. 07Establishment of the 3nd Tongyeong City Council(First half Chairman:Jeong Dongbae, Vice-Chairman:Jeong Sungi)
2000. 07. 06Election of 3nd Tongyeong City Council chairperson and vice chairperson for the second half term (Chairman:Jeong Dongbae, Vice-Chairman:Lee Bokno)
the 2th council member
1995. 06. 271st nationwide simultaneous local elections
1995. 07. 01Establishment of the 2nd Tongyeong City Council(First half chairman:Gim Gwanuk, Vice-Chairman:Jeong Dongbae)
1996. 12. 30Election of 2nd Tongyeong City Council chairperson and vice chairperson for the second half term (Chairman:Jeong Dongbae, Vice-Chairman:Je Sinho)
the 1th council member
1949. 07. 04Enactment and announcement of Article No. 32 of the Local Autonomy Act
1990. 12. 15Revision of the Local Autonomy Act
1991. 03. 26chungmu City(20 places), Tongyeong County(7 places) Council member election
1991. 04. 15The 4th Chungmu City Council, Establishment of the 1st Tongyeong County Council
1994. 03. 26Comprehensive survey on the opinions of city and county residents
1994. 08. 03functions of rural and urban communities' institutional establishment in Namyangju City, Gyeonggi-do (Act No. 4774)
1994. 08. 03Constitution of a preparation team for the establishment of Tongyeong City
1995. 01. 01Establishment of Tongyeong City
1995. 01. 09Establishment of the 1st Tongyeong City Council